Wednesday, September 1, 2010

America's Divine Destiny

So, we finally arrived at the Kennedy Center. Click here if you care about what happened before we arrived. With tickets in hand, our group of seven walked through the doors. It was such a surreal feeling knowing that we were walking through the same corridors that presidents have walked, and knowing that this was a once in a lifetime experience.

As we were looking for our seats, I noticed that the rows started with the double letters...ZZ, YY, XX, and on down the alphabet. I glanced at my ticket "Orch  L  7".  A single L? I was getting excited! L. That's twelve (12) rows back from the front. Seriously? No way!  Sure enough, that is exactly where my seat was. How awesome!

Down the halls of the Kennedy Center
Here was the Kennedy Center, filled with people who had been out sight-seeing all day, wearing their shorts and t-shirts, tennis shoes or sandals. Cameras were flashing everywhere. I felt kind of bad for the ushers who worked there. OK, yeah, there were signs posted everywhere that pictures were not to be taken, but we ignored them. The ushers kept telling people "No pictures", but pictures were taken anyway. My justification was that this was an historic occasion, at least for me. So, I clicked away. If it's any consolation to the ushers, most of my pictures did not turn out. As I looked around at all the "common" people who were there, I had a memory of a picture in my high school history book (shocking, I know) when Andrew Jackson was elected and the common people were over-running the White House during his inagural.

While we were sitting and looking around, we spied Chuck Norris sitting up in one of the boxes. That was cool. Later on, he was on stage with his wife.

This is the group whose name I don't know
The evening was called "America's Divine Destiny", and it was truly a revival. The evening started with the Hope Christian Church Choir.They sang "How Great is Our God", and also had interpretive dancers. It was very beautiful and inspirational. They also sang "God is my refuge". It made me wish that we had singing like that at our church. There was also another group that sang, but I can't remember the name. They were very good and uplifting. After more singing, there was another interpretive dancer. A single dancer on stage, with a large American flag on the back wall of the stage. The music was "The Star-Spangled Banner". We all arose from our seats, hands on hearts, and watched her beautiful dance. It gave me goose bumps.

After that, Pat, from the Glenn Beck Show, came out and introduced Glenn as "America's History Professor".

When Glenn came out to welcome everyone, the place went nuts. He then asked everyone who had received a "free" ticket (Glenn bought them and gave them away) to raise their hands. Almost every hand in the front section went up, as well as the prime center seats in the back section. Glenn is a class act!
Glenn Beck and David Barton

Glenn then introduced David Barton who "heads WallBuilders, a national pro-family organization that presents American's forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on our moral, religious, and constitutional heritage."
He also has a massive library with tens of thousands of original writings and documents from the American founders. He talked of our Founder's belief in God. He spoke of Rev. John Wise. He believed that "we are touched by the finger of God". He believed in individual rights and was against taxation without representation.  Words from his sermons were turned into government documents.

The first speaker was Rabbi Daniel Lappin. Since it was a Jewish holiday, he spoke without a microphone. He said it was his wish to have 2000 Christians wish him a "Shabat Shalom", which means Sabbath of peace, joy and fulfilment. We gave him his wish. He said that we are here because God put us here. God has given us the three "M's" - Marriage, Money, Manners. And, there are three things we should commit to: More Bible study, Make more money - in an honorable way - by pleasing another human being, Say an extra prayer for the U.S.A.

Next came Dr. Patrick Lee, a Catholic priest. He spoke from Ephesians 2:10: "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do".
1. God has created the world 2. God has a plan for this world 3. God has endowded this world with objective value and meaning. We have a duty to thank God publicly for blessings.

Twila Paris sang "True North"

Pastor Miles McPherson, came out talking 100 miles per hour! He a lot to say in only a short time. His message was "the town's on fire...Do Something!". 1)Find out how many homeless shelters, AA meetings, etc. there are in your town. 2)Walk yourself to those places 3) Ask "What can I do?"

Chuck and Gina Norris

Chuck Norris and his wife, Gina, then appeared on stage. He said "Only two things can get us off our ranch in Texas. God or Glenn Beck!"  He read several quotes from George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Samuel Adams.

Dave Roever

After an intermission, there was more singing, and then Dave Roever spoke. He has an amazing story of hope. He was a soldier in fighting in Viet Nam when a phosphorous grenade went off in his hand. That's 5000 degrees--1/2 the temperature of the sun! It is a miracle that he survived. It's hard to imagine how he can tell of such a horrific story with humor, but he does.

The evening ended with more amazing music. Then, Glenn bid everyone goodnight with these words, "Twelve hours from now, we will begin to fundamentally transform America".


  1. Good job mom. It's almost like I was there...oh wait, I was!

  2. It sure looks like there was a lot of energy there. After the event, how did the audience respond? Were people talking about ways that they were going to improve our beloved nation where they're at? Did anyone there give ideas on where to start or was it just a good lift? I'm glad that you had a great time.

    Why didn't they want anyone taking pictures?

  3. There was a lot of energy there. I guess the best was to describe it would be like a very encouraging church service. The main theme was faith, hope, and charity. Start by humbling ourselves before God, ask His forgiveness. Then, go out and be an example of Christ to the world.

    I think the picture taking thing was just a standard rule. Maybe during certain performances those on stage don't want to be distracted by the flashes. That's just my guess. :)


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