Friday, July 1, 2011

Freedom Rings

In honor of our upcoming Independence Day celebration, I have decided that for the month of July, many of my posts will be dedicated to the topic of Freedom, and/or U.S.history.
"We don't celebrate dependence on the Fourth of July, we celebrate independence." - Ronald Reagan

Two hundred and thirty-five years ago, this is what was happening:

July 1, 1776  John Adams spoke at the Continential Congress to the delegates from the Thirteen Colonies:
   " Before God, I believe the hour has come. My  judgement approves this measure and my whole heart is in it.  All that I have, and all that I am, and all that I hope in this life, I am now ready here to stake upon it.  And I leave off as I began, that live or die, survive or perish, I am for the Declaration.  It is my living sentiment, and by the blessing of God it shall be my dying sentiment. Independence now, and Independence for ever.

July 3, 1776, John Adams wrote to his wife, Abigail, reflecting on what he shared in Congress and, with prophetic insight, declared the importance of what had happened the day before: 
    'The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, gun, bells, bonfires and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever.
     You will think me transported with enthusiasm, but I am not. I am well aware of the toil and blood and treasure that it will cost to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States.  Yet through all the gloom I can see the rays of ravishing light and glory. I can see that the end is worth more than all the means; that posterity will triumph in that day's transaction, even though we [may regret] it, which I trust in God we shall not.' "
  -From America's God and Country by William J. Federer


  1. Okay, first you are trying to make me paint my flower pots, and now you are trying to make me open my John Adams book and actually read it. Well at least I bought it. That being said, maybe a cold bath and a good read would be a good way to stay cool. I would buy a kiddy pool but the dogs would chew it up. Maybe if I stay in the bath I can up the temp on the AC and save some money on my electric bill. Or I can just keep reading what you post, this seems more likely to happen.

    Oh and we all need to pray that the idiots who run our National Memorial Parks stop trying to take the word "God" out of the burial services for our Veterans. If a family wants to take it out then that is their choice, but the Feds should not make the choice for those families.

    What is happening to our Country?

    A very fitting post for today. Thank you for it.

    God bless.

  2. Amen, to the post and the previous comment.

  3. A very nice post, and I notice that William J. Federer wrote it. I subscribe to his American Minute.

  4. I didn't know about this Veterans service ordeal and that makes me very sad to know that someone even thinks it should be that way. I love all the quotes and I'll be "stealing" them to use in my american history posts.


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