Saturday, February 13, 2010

Oh, boo hoo

First of all, thanks to all of you who stopped by (and followed!) from Friday Follow.  It's fun and exciting to see the number of followers growing.  At the same time, it's also a little scarry.  I hope you won't feel it a waste of time to read my blogs.

Today, I'm a little depressed, and feel the need to do a little wallowing. Come along if you like. And, although this is Valentine's Eve, my depression  disappointment has nothing to do with that.

Hubby and I have just come from an auction for a house today.  We were  thisclose to getting it. (Jennee, I know this comes as a surprise to you, but we just found it on Thursday, and there you are in California having a blast. Anyway, don't worry, you won't have to pack up your stuff anytime soon!)  We were the last bid, and if you've ever been to a real estate auction, when the bids slow down, there is always a 2-minute break so everyone can "talk things over". (And, 9 times out of 10, it always screws the guy with the last bid.) Anyway, after the 2-minute break, a new bidder appeared on the phone with one of the real estate agents.  The price was run up higher than we were willing to go.  Waaaaaaah!

This seemed like the perfect house for us. You know how you can walk into a house, and it feels like home? That was this house. It sits on the edge of town on a half acre. There was a great place for a garden (at least, it looked like a great place even though it was covered with 15 inches of snow!) The dreams started quickly, and before we knew it, it was "our house". We had already figured out how we could turn the back yard into an enclosed "courtyard" with a raised garden for herbs. It was going to be gorgeous. We were going to be able to raise a few chickens.  It would provide everything we wanted.

 We started praying immediately that this would be the house where the Lord wanted us. Of course, I did have to go ahead and pray that if the Lord didn't want us there, then that would mean He had a better place for us.  So, now I know the answer, but I'm still disappointed.  I know He knows the future, but, it still seems like the perfect house.  It's just a small 3-bedroom ranch, needs some work, but, the deal has been done.
I will be OK about it tomorrow, but today I just want to wallow in disappointment, question God a little, and find myself some chocolate to gorge on. 

Here is a Bible verse that brings me great comfort:  Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for HE WHO PROMISED IS FAITHFUL!  Heb. 10:23


  1. Well, Valentine's day is around the corner. Good luck with the house hunt, it looks like you're finding the perfect one. I hope the snow doesn't bug you too much.

  2. I am sorry to hear that it didn't work out this time - but you sound like you have the right answers! Guess "It wasn't meant to be" as my Gaga always says!

    We are house hunting at the moment too - and I am really not enjoying it! Too stressful!

  3. you are right, I had to reread that sentence because I was shocked. I leave for a day...and everything changes! What is that about?

  4. oh, and i'm totally impressed you could remember how to do Friday Follow. I am so proud right now.

  5. LOL! Jennee. What can I say? Sometimes I do remember! Shocking I know.

  6. The right one will come along and you will know it. Thanks for participating in Friday Follow. I am catching up to the links. Rita @

  7. Something better will definitely come along! And when it does, you're going to forget all about the house that got away.

    But, until then, I completely understand the disappointment!


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