Sunday, May 6, 2012


I'm feeling very happy right now. Very happy. While I believe my happiness is due to the fact that work is being done in my kitchen, it is also quite possible that my euphoria is fume-induced. 

Hubby and son #2 have been working all day on countertops. They started this morning at 9 A.M., and have put in a full 12 hours. It is very slow and time-consuming work. But, when it is time for the glue...whoop-ee!

First they had to cut the particle board to fit the countertop.

All new particle board. Did you notice that the spigot is gone. Another day with no water in the kitchen. I'm not complaining, though, because the dishwasher can still be run.

The formica was taken outside to be measured and cut.

 The glue for the formica is a very tricky business. First of all, it makes you fly higher than a kite. Wheeee. Sorry. I've been inhaling a bit too much. Glue goes on both the particle board and also on the formica. Two coats for each. The next tricky part is getting the formica where it needs to be - exactly. The first time. There is no re-positioning. When the two meet, they are stuck together forever. Old broom handles to keep the two from meeting until the formica is where it needs to be. 
 Then one by one, they pull out a broom handle...
and start rolling.
Then, viola! New counter top!
 I have to stain around the edges. We've been so busy that we haven't had time to find a matching stain. It would have been much easier to have all the staining done first, but, we like to do things the hard way.

When I started feeling a little too happy, I went outside and transplanted my strawberry plants.


  1. Oh, it looks just lovely! It will all be beautiful when it's done!!

  2. So far, so great. Your strawberry plants look great too. Fume-induced euphoria clearly works in your favor, Darlene.


  3. Wonderful! It just gets closer and closer to getting done. I can't wait for you to have a working kitchen. Hooray for hardworking men!

  4. That worktop looks great, and it's lovely to see how it is all really starting to come together. Perhaps you could send some of that glue over to me! LOL!! Strawberry plants are looking good as well. Have a lovely week my friend.

  5. I like it. I like it a lot.

  6. Nice job they did! I think I can smell the fumes here...haha. You must be so excited!

  7. Dearest Darlene,
    Oh, it seems a professional job that your loving husband and son has done♡♡♡ That worktop looks SO nice!!! I can easily guess your euphoria, LoL. I wish I had the spacious kitchen like yours♬♬♬
    Love you always, xoxo Miyako*

  8. There's no place like home and you are so making this house a home and those strawberries, yummy.

    The kitchen is looking great and they look like they did a great job and would believe they were professionals if you did not tell us. Can't wait to see it all finished.

    God bless.

  9. Hey, Kiddo, It looks like things are coming along great. You will be so euphoric when your house is finally done.

    Thanks for leaving such a nice comment. I have kind of been down in the dumps trying to reconfigure my life after Dad died. Still haven't figured it all out, but I am working on it. kt

  10. BTW I am following you again. I don't know what happened but your blog is not on my list...

  11. Darlene... I LOVE your kitchen counter tops! Right now I have a huge hole in my master shower and twahlet know that's french for potty. I have had that hole for about six or months now. My hubby does all our own work. He works full time and then on the project on weekends. I expect to be able to shower and flush sometime in 2014. Not kidding, sigh. Maybe the boys will all come over and help him get us in before then. Either way we still have two other bathrooms and twahlets!
    And I could use some of your fumes!

  12. Oh that is beautiful! I'm so glad it's almost done! I swear getting a kitchen remodel is a pain, but it sure is nice afterwards!

  13. Dear Darlene, . . . Wheee! Thanks for sharing the fumes in this informative posting that's so enjoyable to read. And thanks for the photographs that made everything clear.

    Your kitchen is so spacious and you have so much counter space! Do you cook a lot and bake also?



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