I love avocados. I love guacamole. But, it's very disappointing that avocados can be a bit expensive. I don't get to eat them as much as I'd like, which would be everyday, if I could.
So, I came up with a perfectly logical solution. I decided to grow my own avocado tree. From a seed that came out of a previously eaten avocado.
I didn't let the fact that I live in Ohio (long, cold winters, snow, ice) deter me.
Last year, I took my little seed, stuck some toothpicks in it, and stuck it in some water. These are all very techinical terms, so try to follow, okay? I also stuck a piece of charcoal in the water, to sweeten it up. Apparently, they like sweet water. Can't blame them.
Then, I waited. And watched. And waited. At first, nothing happened. But, then I noticed that the seed was spliting. And, if you look very closely, in the center, something is growing. Oh happy day!
The roots were growing, too.
As it grew stem and leaves,Hubby kept telling me, "You'd better get it in some dirt." I kept saying, "I think it's ok in the water." (But, I did a little research on the internet, just in case. Turns out, he was right. Again.)
I found a big pot, filled it with potting soil, and plopped (new term) it in its new home. I think it liked being in soil, because it continued growing very nicely.
But, now the next step makes me very nervous. When the plant gets to about 12 inches tall, I'm supposed to pinch off the top, down to about six or eight inches.
As you can see, my plant is now at 12 inches.
Now, if you look closely at the next photo, you will see that at six to eight inches, there are no leaves! I would only have a stem! This is the very worst part of gardening! I hate HATE to thin out and pinch off! I don't know if I can do it! What if the leaves don't grow back! But, the purpose of pinching off is so that the base will grow rounder. I know it needs to be done, but, but, arrrrggggggg - I can't do it!
I'll get Hubby to do the dirty work. Then, if it dies, I can blame him. It goes without saying that if it flourishes, it will be due to my fantastic gardening skills!
So, I mentioned to Hubby that the avocado needed trimmed. Maybe "decapitated" is a better term. He simply said, "Get me the scissors, and show me where to cut." I was hyperventalating as the deed was done!
Only one snip was needed! Oh boy. Look at my new avocado plant.
I decided to try to sprout roots off the top, (just in case), but they just got droopier and droopier.
Now, I have to wait and see if I've Hubby has killed my plant, or if it will live.
If it lives,I only have to wait about six more years to see if I get an avocado out of it! I will keep you posted on the progress.