Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Our Infamous Camping Trip Part 2

I just have to say as a side note, that this story cracks me up! I'm so glad I brought it out of the archives. I'm just sitting here typing away and laughing at the memories. I hope you enjoy it! If you missed Part I, you can
just keep scrolling down a story or two.

During the first night, J.T. , our 2-year old, wet the  sleeping bag, and he fell out of the bed. In the morning, Hubby just about died when he found out that he had to drink DRY MILK for breakfast! So, he took the boys with him to find a grocery store where he could get some real milk.  Meanwhile, I cleaned up the camper, and pulled out the wet sleeping bag to air dry. When they all got back with real milk. we ate breakfast. Then, Hubby, who hasn't mastered the fine art of relaxing, was bored because there was nothing to do. So, we all loaded into the pickup to take a look around the campsite and find the lake. We couldn't find the lake, so we had to ask the rangers. They told us it was a five-mile drive, so we took it, and did indeed, find the lake. Then, we headed back to the campsite for lunch. After we got to the campsite, some friends had stopped by to see us, so we invited them for lunch. Hubby barbecued some hamburgers, and just as we started to eat, it started to rain. So, we ate quickly, then dashed into the camper. Imagine the fun of four adults, two active toddlers, and one very talkative pre-teen boy, all crammed together into a small, sweaty, steamy, humid camper.  The rain continued for half an hour. When it finished raining, our friends left. 

We then decided to drive to the mall (yes, I know we were camping), to see the movie, "Annie", then go to a Mexican restaurant our friends had told us about. We got to the movie too late to see the 1:30 show, so we walked around the mall until the next show.  Both boys were sleeping when we got to the mall, and we should've gone ahead and gone to the movie. (You know what they say about hindsight!) But, we waited until our sweet boys were WIDE AWAKE. Talk about disaster!

J.T.  wanted to sing "Power in the Blood" again, and B.D. (age 14 mos.)spent the entire movie saying da-da-da-da-da as loud as he could. (Usually, it's so sweet when they say da-da.) He was louder than the movie. Hubby finally gave in and bought some popcorn, hoping that would calm them down. He originally didn't want to get anything, because we planned to eat right after the move, and we didn't want to spoil their appetites. As Hubby was handing the box of popcorn to J.T., J.T. knocked it out of Hubby's hands (accidently), and popcorn went flying all over the floor. There was half a box left, so them kept them quiet for awhile. Hubby figured it was worth the investment, so he bought another box of popcorn when that was emptied. When Hubby brought the popcorn back, he put half of it in the original box and gave it to B.D., then he gave the other box to J.T.  J.T. took his box, and very calmly poured it right out onto the floor! By this time, Hubby was about ready to be committed! Between the two of us, we probably made about ten trips out and back into the theater. (I know, I know. We probably ruined the movie for those sitting around us. But, we just wanted to do something special for our boys. Don't judge us too harshly.) I was out with B.D. during the last 10 minutes of the movie, so I never did see how it ended. We were never so glad for a movie to be over. We hurried out and loaded ourselves into the truck and headed off to fill our tummies with Mexican food. The boys were real good on the drive over to the restaurant, but it ended when we walked through the restaurant doors!

We thought the movie was disastrous! We had no idea how bad it would get. The first thing J.T did was to head straight for the lady who was sitting next to us, to grab for her sunglasses and keys. Then we had to play musical chairs because J.T. wanted to sit by his Daddy. We ordered our food, and that went O.K., and we waited for our food to arrive. Then, B.D. our quiet little boy, started in for a crying fit. He cried and cried and couldn't be consoled for anything. The waiter was superb. He brought  B.D. a balloon; that didn't work. Then he brought him a dish of fruit. That helped, but as soon as the fruit was gone, the crying started again. The waiter even tried to hold him so I could eat, but that didn't help either. Hubby inhaled his food, took the boys and left me to finish my dinner and pay the bill. We were so embarrassed. B.D. had never done anything like that before. When I got out to the truck, Hubby was holding B.D. who was now, just as calm as could be. Hubby had taken off B.D.'s shoes, and it seemed to solve the whole problem. He was an angel the rest of the night.

On the way back to camp, we decided we would not attempt to go to church in the morning. We decided it would be less nerve wracking if we just had a nice, quiet service at camp. so Hubby stopped at the store and got some things for communion . The boys went to bed at a fairly decent time, although J.T. had to be coaxed to sleep. They were sleeping by 10:00. It was too wet outside from the rain to have a campfire, so we sat in the camper and played Scrabble. It was a lot of fun even though Hubby beat me at every game. That night it was B.D. who soaked the sleeping bag, and fell out of bed as well.  End of Second Day.  (Saturday)

What could possibly happen next???

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