Monday, August 29, 2011

Project 52 - No clue what week

Yes, it's been a loooong time since I did a Project 52 update. The truth is, I haven't had too much to update about. Let me take a moment to gander over my list and refresh my memory.....

Oh yeah, how could I forget? Well, I am making some exciting progress on the dreaded #1. I'm not quite halfway there, but almost. 

And, I can add two more books to my list. It seems like I read three books, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was. (And, it's possible that I could be dreaming, and only imagining that I read three books...)

So, these are the books I've read, and can remember the titles of:

Both are excellent books and very educational. I don't even want to tell you how long it took me to read "Founding Brothers", but it was ridiculous. The reason it took me so long to read is because I read it at the worst possible time. Bedtime. I intend to re-read it. (So, can I still count it?)

The current book I'm reading is the newly released:
This is a very entertaining and hilarious book. I'm loving every minute of it. If you need some laughter in your life, I highly recommend this book!

And, here is the list of books I intend to read, at some point, hopefully (haha) before the year is up:

I've got some work to do!

Here's a little clue on what I've been doing this month:

It's been a busy, busy month!


  1. Ooooo! Reading and canning!!...Looking good! :-)

  2. Oh goodness yes that is a good amount going on for one month! Hope you can get threw all those books :)

  3. my stack of books to read is much bigger than that.

  4. At least you have finished reading those books. I seem to start so many books then put them down and start another one, never finishing the others. I just seem to forget I started with one and then move on. I am so pathetic and even do this with my list in my iBooks.

    And you did such a great job with all those veggies. I look at those pics and I just see lots and lots of work. Too much work for me in all this heat. I am sick of it being over 100 degrees out here. I do have to say that all those canned veggies do look good, come this winter I hope you all get to enjoy the fruits of your labors. You truly deserve it after all the work you did. Just wonderful to do all that.

    God bless.

  5. That mini skirts book looks like fun!

  6. You are doing so well! I'm impressed!

    And if that Founding Brothers book is anything like the book I'm reading about Alexander Hamilton, I should be able to finish it in, oh, about 5 years.


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