Things have been a little busy around here. Hubby had a week off of work, so he built a garage. His first one ever. All by himself. It's still undecided if my contributions were helpful or a hindrance. If he told me to go up, I'd go down. If he said go to the right, I'd go to the left. I don't do it on purpose, it's just that our brains think in totally opposite ways. I do try.
Last summer we put in the foundation for our garage. We did hire someone to dig the foundation and lay the block. We scheduled the cement truck to come, which turned out to be on the same morning as his aunt's funeral. The funeral started at 11:00, the cement truck came at 8:00. The goal was to have the cement truck guy take his attachment and go around the foundation, filling in the openings on the top of the blocks. But this guy was a bit of a butt, and said he couldn't do that. He wasn't too willing to let us fill up our five-gallon buckets and hand pour it all into the blocks. He said it couldn't be done. He had seen a crew of three men unable to do it. Well, he had not seen us work. Hubby told him to start it up, time's a wastin'. We had a funeral to get to. (And, now, we had a point to prove!) We carried bucket after bucket after bucket, barely stopping for breath. When I faltered a little, my job was to smooth off the tops, and scrape off the sides. Hubby just kept going. The guy had to be impressed, seeing two old people run around like that. And, yeah, we finished, showered, and got to the funeral with just a few minutes to spare.
We intentionally let the foundation sit all year, so the ground could settle. Friends have asked us if we were ever going to build the garage. We have a plan, people! The inspector was out last month just to check in on our progress. I told him we planned to build it in August. He said he'd check back next year. Oh ye of little faith!
So, this is what we have been up to:
Day 1 - Framing |
Hubby in action |
Day 1 = Framing complete |
Day 2 - Rafters |
Sorry for the blurriness |
Day 3 - Roof and sides getting covered |
Day 3 - Windows, doors, and headers added |
Day 4 - All covered, shingles delivered, ready for inspection. |
Day 5 - Windows installed, all wrapped, and ready to leave for a family gathering |
Day 6 - Roofing |
Day 7 - Roofing complete |
The next goal is to lay gravel, and pour cement. That will probably happen next week.
I hope you are reaching your goals.
Till next time,