We've been having some unseasonably warm and dry weather here in Ohio. It has given me the itch to get some plants in the ground. Hubby and I have also decided to put out a garden (our first in over 30 years of marriage).

This garden adventure is not without its obstacles. Our first problem, was a misplaced gazebo, right in the middle of the sunniest area. So, we moved that little guy 20 feet, or so, first by pulling it with our pickup, then hubby had to hand crank the thing for the last three feet. It was a booger of a job, but hubby persevered, and got it done.
Next, we decided to get some good
AFTER we got the dirt, we thought it would be a good idea to check for underground wires. Yep. We've got 'em. And they're going right through our garden area. Naturally.
So, Plan B is to get more soil and make a raised garden, so we don't have to dig down and risk electrocuting ourselves. Yeah, I think that's a good plan.
In the meantime, I've got some seeds started. I think. I don't see too much happening. I'm giving them their little pep talks, but I they don't seem to be listening. I also have six blueberry bushes in pots for the patio. I'm looking forward to lots of fresh blueberries.
I've also been busy making, what I hope will be, a flower garden by the gazebo. I received a bunch of plants that needed divided, so I really don't know what I have until they start blooming. It will be like Christmas in June.
Stay tuned for Part 3. Hopefully, I'll have a good report. (In case you're wondering, I did have the teeniest tiniest bit of help. Almost minuscule, however, it was a very important piece of help.)